Build Your Body & Add Quality Mass through

                                                            Hypertrophy in the Quickest Way Possible









                You may schedule your workouts 2,3,4,5 or 6 days a week depending upon your preferences and "how much time you have?".

                If you are very busy and have less time, you may go for 2 days a week program. You may also opt for this if you are sportsperson and have a busy gaming season. This program will mainly consist of power training and will include power exercices, such as, Bench Presses, Military or Overhead presses, Deadlifts and Squats. Other exercises may be Weighted Dips, Barbell or Dumbell Curls, Bench Dips, Crunches, Calf raises and Wide-grip pull-ups. Make sure that you use really heavy weights to get maximum gains from such a program. (Recommended Days : Mon & Thu or Sun & Wed.)

                The 3 days a week program is best for sportsperson, who have to gain power and speed to perform better in sports as well as get sufficient time to recover and not to get tired. This program may have splits such as Biceps, Triceps and Forearms on 1 day; Chest, Shoulder and Back on the other day; and at last Thighs, Calves and Abs. You must do 6 sets of exercises per bodypart. (Recommended Days : Mon, Wed & Fri.)

                Now let me tell you a fact that if you are a normal person and not a professional bodybuilder, and want to have good amount of muscle mass, descent shaped body and just want to look fantastic, then you must go for the 4 days a week a program. This is simply a fantastic program, in terms of muscle gain, it gives you optimum results, and in terms of recovery time, it gives you enough time to recover completely. I can tell you that this is the perfect schedule for normal human beings. I have gained maximum mass in this program. This program may have splits as in 3 days a week program, and the 4th day may have training for your week or lacking bodypart. Make sure that you do not do the same bodypart on two consecutive days, you must somehow arrange to give keep the lacking body part exercise on Monday or Tuesday and then on Friday. ( Recommended Days : Mon,Tue :: Thu & Friday.)

                If you want good amount of gains and in a profession where you have to show off, such as modelling or acting, then you must opt for 5 days a week program. This will make you big enough to show off. You may do continuous five days of exercise, or go for "3 days on 1 day off, 2 days on 1 day off" routine. You may include most of general exercises in this program. (Recommended Days : Mon, Tue, Wed :: Fri, Sat.)

                At the last, but not the least, if you wanna be a professional bodybuilder or have gains like that, you ought to work hard 6 days a week. Remember though that you must have the potential for this program, and your body must be genetically capable of recovering from such a tiring workout. You must try all type of exercises and must include power exercices once a week, not more. (Recommended Days : Any six consecutive days.)



















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